I was fat when I was younger. Period. Don't believe me? Scroll down please and do not adjust your screen in any ways. The picture is an original un-edited picture of yours truly when I was 18 years old, right after finishing SPM. See if you can recognize me :P
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Ok fine, you can stop rubbing your eyes, and you can stop adjusting your monitor resolution. The girl in the middle wearing the Carnegie Mellon University t-shirt is ME. PHAT FAT ME! This picture was taken 9 years ago when I was, ermmm young and fat faboulous. hehehe. I think I weigh around 60 kgs at this time. Yeah, I was a bit bigger back then (a bit ke a lot??), and I still remembered I didn't care about it so much coz I was a happy girl at school with loads of great friends.
These days, a lot of my new friends don't really believe me when I said I was fat back then. They keep on saying "Ko tipu la, aku tak pernah tengok ko gemuk pun." Yeah, well that's because you did not know me 10 years ago darlings. hehehehehhehe. I was 18 years old in the picture and a few months after that I entered "Program Matrikulasi" in Penang. Boy, I was so miserable there that I started to loose weight. But I think I gained the weight back when I got the letter from Uniten saying that I was accepted. Sangat happy dapat masuk Uniten time tu!
When I came to Uniten I weighed around 57 kgs I think and still did not care that much pun, but at this time adela conscious sikit2 coz they were a lotttttt of thin girls around me. Still at that time I was super lazy to go out and do any exercise, buat sikit2 aje.. And FYI when I met kesayangan I was fat ok (so was HE). So no worries there. heheheh.. And we had no car back then, only his cute lil scooter to take us around. Our friends used to make joke saying "Jai ngan Boroy naik scooter sampai vontot keluar kat tangki minyak (my butt was touching the oil tank at the back seat coz there was not much room for both our butts, hahahahaha)
So, I believe right now all of you have the same question in your head. How in the freaking hell did I managed to loose all the weight? Bagaimanakah saya boleh kurus daripada dahulu??? Wahahahahha.. Well in year 2002 I had met with an accident and landed myself in the hospital for a few days. Keluar je hospital, I had lost a whopping 7 kilos I think. So from 57kgs I went down to 50kgs. That's a lot right? And since I left the hospital my life has never been the same again. I took my life SERIOUSLY after that. Being hospitalized is a traumatic experience I tell you. Imagine waking up and then you find out the person next to you died when you were sleeping that night and you just had a chat with that person before you sleep. Traumatized!
Since then I try to eat healthily and I try to include exercise in my daily routine. Believe it or not the thinnest I have been was 40 kgs, pakai seluar size 24 inci weh.. hehehehhe.. That was back then in Uniten, when I was soooooo rajin to go jogging for 1-2 hours daily and masa tu me and kesayangan had not so much money to spend on food. Makan semua kena bajet aje.. So we both end up losing weight masa belajar dulu.
Nowadays I am no longer 40kgs la, and the 24inch waist jeans is sitting nicely in my cupboard(dah macam sarung nangka weh..). I try to maintain my weight below 50kgs and honestly I am happy with myself (okla maybe kalau kurus sikit lagi happy kot :P) heheheh.. For me being healthy is waaaayyyyy more important than being super skinny. Kalau kurus keding tapi sakit tak cukup vitamin macam rugi aje pulak coz u can't live your life to the fullest kan kalau sakit. So, be healthy people!