Friday, August 23, 2013

ideal relationship?


encek K's current obsession...

Going to the gym!
 Ok, maybe no surprise here kot.. Like durhhh... Pergi gym je kot..
But for him it means going to the gym every single freakin day (trust me it's more than an hour everyday)

Siap post the below picture on instagram, konon2 nak bagi I faham lettew. (Sebab I bising asek nak pi gym jerrr?)

he said we should be like the bottom right picture   +_____+

Ok tak kisah nak pergi gym, saya pun suka nak pergi gym nak exercise tapi puhleaseee sayang jangan obsessed sangat okay? Siang, malam, pagi, petang dok fikir nak pergi gym, apekahh??  Gym, gym, gym, protein shake, protein shake, blaa, blaa, blaaaaaaaaaa. I is boring hokay, I is like to go shopping better than going to the gym hokay?

Muscle sikit-sikit sudah, tak payah nak melampau nau lerr sayangku. I love you so much already. Awak tetap muffin top gagah di hati saya.

Saya doakan awak dapat badan idaman awak macam The Rock, but puhleaseee don't look like the guy above in the poster tu. Geli mak nokks, rasa macam nak bagi my bra for extra support?

 See awak dah cukup muscular dah sayang, I look like a freakin hobbit already standing next to you, nak besau macam maner lagiiikk???

So as promised today no gym okay?

Happy weekend peeps!

My weekend will be filled with more gym sessions I supposed *blerghhhh*