Went to a wedding with encek K during the weekend and I was startstrucked during the event. Mak jakun hokay haritu!
Ok before sambung cerita pasal wedding ni, mari ber-camwhore dulu while getting ready at Royale Chulan Hotel. I was wearing my modern brocade peplum kurung from 20by Rizalman and AzuraAzwa turban for that night.
Ok, another camwhoring session before entering the superb hall which was decorated by Pak Abu.
Starstrucked for the first time when I read the itinerary. I saw Yuna will be performing for the wedding. Dalam hati dah set pasti akan ku kejar Yuna untuk ambil gambar. She sang 3 beautiful songs for the bride and groom. Beautiful voice I must say and she's damnnn tall and lanky.
After she finished her performance, I quickly went after her, lucky me, I was sitting at the table near her exit door. So apa lagi terus serbu Yuna for photo. Muahahahahhaha. Terasa sungguh pendek dan gemok berdiri di sebelah Yuna (sobb.. sobb). I think she's almost as tall as encek K (with the help of heels lah kot, encek K is 190cm tall rasanya)
See I told ya she's tall!
Starstrucked for the second time when I received call from encek K (masa ni time baru lepas baca itinerary wedding tu). I was already seated in the hall, while encek K went out for his 'ciggie break'
encek K: Hello. Yang! Yang! Jovian Mandagie ada kat depan ni!
me: Huh? Awak biar betullll?? Jangan silap orang!
encek K: Betul la dia ada kat depan ni dengan girlfriend dia (Nina). Me dah tanya dah orang kat sini, Jovian yang buat dress pengantin.
me: silent mode (coz dalam hati teringat damnnnnn, kenapa lah aku tak pakai Jovian RTW malam ni?????? why oh whyyy??)
encek K: Hello yang? Are you there?
me: Yes, OK, OK I'm here, mission for today ada dua tau, satu ambil gambar dengan Yuna, lepas tu dengan Jovian!
encek K: yelahh yelahhhhh (terpaksa redha dengan bini yang gila glamour ni)
Ironically, after ambil gambar dengan Yuna, Jovian was standing right in front of me, tengah 'ciggie break' jugak.
Went to him and asked him for a photo. Memang starstrucked hokay!
I apologized to him for not wearing Jovian RTW that night. Told him I was saving my Jovian RTWs for next weekend coz my SIL is getting married. He was so sweet and said actually Nina noticed me coz when they (Jovian and Nina) entered the hall, Jovian was asking Nina was anyone wearing Jovian RTW, Nina said takde but she said she saw someone wearing Rizalman, which was me la kan!! I also sempat told him that the beads for my Jezzebel dah jatuh, he said, please call his office first thing Monday morning for replacement. Sungguh sweet!
He is sweet, talented and stylish sungguh! Even encek K had to admit that JM was stylish (ok, ayat ni berunsur gay sikit). Said thank you to JM for the photo and for his wonderful collection and left for my seat. I was a happy lady! Mission accomplished that night!
I don't have the photo of the bride's dress with me (ada dalam phone encek K je, tapi blur pulak), but you can check Jovian's instagram for the dress. The dress was so beautiful beyond words trust me.
Lastly starstrucked lagi sekali.
Bukan setakat starstrucked, rasa renjatan elektrik, jantung berdebar, berpeluh-peluh bila jumpa orang ni.
My sayang lah kan (ok, silakan muntah hijau)
hamboih kemain JAI.. oh yes. Ann suka ALL azuraazwa's turban. plan to buy one tapi tak beli2 jugak.. HAHA
next month kena grab 1 ni. hehe
take care jai! :)
Ewahh.. ewahh.. but JM was So Sweeetah! =)
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