Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I know sometimes mighty ALLAH wants to test us. DIA nak uji kita untuk tengok whether we can take his ujian or not. Whether we will give up that easily or will we fight for the things that we believe in?

I will not give up nor give in. Kalau tak dapat satu cara, there's always another way to go. Pasti ada caranya dan insya-allah DIA akan bukakan jalan yang betul.

"YA ALLAH, permudahkanlah usaha hamba mu ini. Amin."


d|aBoL|c e'En said...

ala...didnt go well eh babe? :(

shafiza jai azali said...

beb, bukan pasal PAC tu, pasal lain laaa.. hehehe... nanti saya story kamu okeh..