Tuesday, June 7, 2011

tambah darah

Phewww.. Finally.. Some updates from yours truly.. Been soooooo soooo busy lately (sometimes I have to keep on reminding myself that I am pregnant and it is OK to slow things down)..

Anyhoot.. My pregnancy is now entering 31 weeks! Hello third and final trimester! Rasa macam kejap je la pulak dah masuk final trimester. Nervous yet super excited as the 'arrival date' of our baby is coming nearer..

My third trimester is not as kind as my second trimester (I love love love my second trimester). I have yet again started feeling dizzy, lightheaded and 'rasa nak muntah'. Yup, my good old friend mr. all-day-long sickness has come to visit me again (but not as bad as my first trimester), and this time he brought his other friends along (backpain, bon-bon pain and shortness of breath). I bet a lot of other moms-to-be experienced the same thing as well, so no complaint from me. Bahagian masing-masing kan.. Cuma banyakkan bersabar yeah :)

And I did promise you guys that I would reveal my baby's gender in the next entry right? So here it goes.. Me and encek K are expecting..




























A BOY! Insya Allah :) :) :)

We did the scans few times already but our baby was so shy earlier. But he finally showed himself during the last two scans. And it's a boy! Hehehehehe.. The happiest person mestilah encek K; don't get me wrong, he would be just as happy if it was a girl, tapi since it's a boy he's super happy coz it's a mini him and not mini me.. Dah siap check out rugby merchandise for his son dah.. And dah siap tengok checkered shirts, military shorts, adidas, nike shoes for his son. Nak matchy matchy dengan dia lah konon.. Siap paksa mommy beli military shorts jugak.. ishh ishhh bukan main..

As for me, of course I am super happy.. Tak kisahla boy or girl, paling penting sempurna dan sihat kan.. But my instinct told me earlier it was a boy, I even had few dreams and everytime I will see baby boy in my dream. Apa-apa pun we are both grateful to Allah for this rezeki :)

On the other hand, besides my all-day-long sickness, I have not been well lately. Last week I was suddenly down with fever :( Was so worried but alhamdulillah everything is ok. Now I am down with flu pulak :( Plus my check up at Klinik Kesihatan did not went well the last time as I was told my the nurse that my hemoglobin level is low. So right now, I have to eat certain food to 'tambah darah'. Food like hati (I have never ever eat hati in my life, tapi demi baby, ku gagahkan jua), ikan cencaru (bahagian isi yang hitam yang paling bagus), sayur bayam, ikan bilis, cheese, milk, bovril, kerang, pucuk paku, pucuk maman (no idea what the heck is this) and telur ayam kampung (setengah masak). So in the morning I'll have 2 biji telur ayam kampung setengah masak, plus one cup of milk (kalau takde rasa nak muntah la), lunch; I'll take rice with ikan cencaru (goreng or masak sambal), sambal ikan bilis with sayur bayam. Dinner; I try to take hati goreng or bread with cheese (put one slice of cheese on the bread and then into microwave for few seconds to melt the cheese). First time I ate 'hati' I cried and almost vomitted sebab rasa dia macam pemadam pensel. Tapi untuk baby, I'm willing to do anything..

My next check up is due next week and hopefully my hemoglobin level will increase. Coz if not I have to be referred to the hospital. Memang mintak jauh sangat-sangat.. Do pray for me dearies..

encek K practice.. with my anak buah little Iman :)

bought this shirt recently for my little boy.. yes mommy is the BOSS!


Qistin Fadzin said...

jai, kelakar sgt ur statement part 'hati' rasa mcm pemadam pensel!! i pon x boleh makan 'hati' sbb mmg dr dulu lg x suka... so i resort to other thing sbb masa 2nd trimester mmg my hb count rendah...

shafiza jai azali said...

hehehehe.. seyes babe, rasa macam pemadam pensel la... tapi I dayakan jugak la.. u pun sama eh? ape yang u buat/makan time tu eh?

Qistin Fadzin said...

i mkn byk daging je... for me drinks bleh efek jugak... so i stopped my milo intake... baru ok... *ye la, minum milo dh mcm mknan ruji... obimin pon nurse advice kna ambik waktu lunch & sblum tido... tp msuk 3rd trimester hb dah ok blk.