So many people said "at last, finally, akhirnya, haaaaaa".. to us these past few days. Didn't know you guys were that eager to see us engaged.. hehe.. oklah I know part of it is because we have been together-gether for like a gazillion years kan? Mana ada Ajmal ada Jai, mana ada Jai ada Ajmal..Maybe orang dah muak tengok kitorang kot.. :P But we didn't wanna rush into making commitments before we were ready. I know, I know ajal maut, jodoh pertemuan di tangan tuhan; so maybe it is written that we were to be engaged not so early.. hehe
Anyhoo last Sunday(was also my birthday) 050709, we finally got engaged.. miahahahahha.... Rasa cam kelakar coz now nak kena panggil fiance ke? WTH? ahahaha... The small ceremony was held at my house where close family and friends came. It was a simple thingy just like what we always wanted it to be.. No fancy pelamin, no super formal discussion, just a very simple yet meaningful majlis. Our majlis started around 12noon and by 2pm everything was settled. Cuma sessi mengambil gambar la kan yang lama... hehe.. We also celebrated my 26th birthday with a cake and birthday song sang by everyone (malu seh).. heheee..
All in all, I'm more than happy with everything..tak tau camne nak describe the whole thing.. Happy and thankful that everything was ok! I got soo many pictures with me but at the moment I'm too busy to edit the pics (the size are waaay to big to be uploaded!).. I will try to do it sometimes next week ok? I have to shift my focus back on my boutique as I have been abandoning it for two weeks now!
yeay!! congrats darl.. nak tanya.. ni boroi skolah KGV dulu ke? becoz if i'm not mistaken, kitorg penah tuisyen skali dulu masa form 5 kat my neighbour's house.. happy for u babe.. when is the big day??
hey congratulations on ur engagement gurl!! and happy belated birthday... so happy for you... sebintang kita rupanya ;)
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