Friday, July 31, 2009

Legaa....It's Friday again. Weekend is here! Sooo many things to do this week that I have to plan carefully. Some kenduri(s) to attend, meeting some friends and kalau sempat jaga kedai.

Okla saje je nak habiskan masa kat office ni right now. Am going for "tea session" later with homies and kesayangan! Sangat sukaaaaaaaaa!

BTW, today is my kesayangan's last day at his current company. He's leaving for a more big challenge for us... Insya ALLAH everything will be just fine.. Sayang, I know you can do it!!!

@ IKEA once upon a time

Wearing my MOST FAVOURITE red skirt in the whole world. The skirt costs me RM7 only, bought from thrifted shop, tanktop:unbranded, slipper: THAI flea market.