Not in the bestest mood today :( Since the weekend my BB went nuts, at first I cannot open the mails which I have recevied and then makin teruk sampai e-mail pun tak boleh masuk.. warghhhhhh... Sangat stress kot tengok ada notification email tapi tak boleh bukak email.. Dah macam2 I cuba tapi tak boleh jugak, siap on and off phone, uninstalled email pastu install balik, check settings and macam2 lagi laaaa, sume tak berjaya..
So harini gigih pergi Alamanda to ask about the problem la kan..I bought the phone and the line both from Digi Alamanda outlet.. Sampai je kat Digi Alamanda, tanya la amoi service counter ni, explain kat dia my BB problem; dia cakap "Boleh tunggu sekejap aaa, itu perempuan lagi satu pergi bank sekejap." I was like, WTF, perempuan mane ni? Rupa-rupanya customer service lady yang lagi satu. Apesal pulak refer kat ur own colleague as "perempuan lagi satu???" .. Fine malas nak fikir dah, I just said "Ok, saya datang balik nanti." To kill the time I just jalan-jalan kat nearby shops. Tak beli ape2 pun. Almostttttt bought a cardigan kat nichii, tapi tak jadi sebab saya berjaya mengawal diri..Yeay!!
After 15 minutes I returned to the store, so this time "perempuan lagi satu" tu dah ada. Terus pergi kat dia and started to explain about the problem. First question she asked me was, "Itu phone Digi aaa?". Bengong ke hape, phone ialah Blackberry, line ialah Digi la weh.. And I pun tak bodoh la, sebab pakai line Digi la aku datang kat service kaunter Digi, kalau aku pakai Maxis ke Celcom ke mestila aku pergi kaunter dorang... bangang ke hape ko ni perempuan satu lagi???? Lagipun aku datang situ terus sebab aku beli phone dan subscribe line dari outlet engkau la...bengonggggg!!! Arggghhh sangat bengang. And then macam2 soalan dia tanya, one of the question was "Dah try reset your phone tak?" I said, "Saya tak tau macam mana nak reset phone, can you help me to do that? And contacts hilang tak kalau reset phone nanti?" She then replied, "Actually I pun tak tau la miss how to reset the phone." Ya Allah, rasa macam nak hempuk BB tu kat muka dia boleh, tanya dah reset ke belum tapi tak tau camne nak tolong resetkan phone tu, kalau aku tau, baik aku kerja customer service kan...Arghhhh, last2 "perempuan lagi satu" tu cakap kat I, "Sorry miss, we don't have a technician here, you have to go and see our technician la miss(after pressing god knows what buttons on my BB)". Masa ni dah give up dah, I simply asked, "Ok, where can I find the technician?". She replied,"In Kajang." Kajang tu besarrrr kot weh! Be more specific la kan.. So I asked,"Where in Kajang?" and her reply was "Near the stadium miss." At this point I knew it was hopeless. Nak aje cakap "Yang aku tau kat stadium Kajang tu ada Sate Samuri aje la, ko boleh tak bagi alamat ke, no phone ke" Tapi dah malas dah.. I said thanks and I left the store and I went straight to Mc D.. *NEED FOOD TO CALM MYSELF DOWN*
Last2 I buzz my BB friends and asked them how can I reset my phone without losing all my contacts coz I remembered one of my friend had reset his phone and all his contacts were gone. I sure do not want that to happened la kan.. And I did it(thanks don!), u can reset your BB with pressing alt(left) + shift(right) + delete buttons all at once. Contacts tak hilang for sure! :)
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