*sigh* We got into a fight last week :( And he said something which really hurts me. I know he didn't mean it that way but I still feel sad.. Part of it is also because of me I guess..arrghhh... I hate it when me and him fight.. Sungguh benci!
Anyhow, tak nak la cerita benda2 sedih, sekarang ni pun me and him dah ok sket.. As they said, "time will heal the wounds".. so let it be je la... Was back at my hometown for the weekend and didn't do much except for makan, makan dan tidoooo (gemok sudah!)... Yups, all because I was stress (damn, tadi kata tak nak cakap benda2 sedey)... Arrgghh..
Untuk mengubat hati yang luka (chewah), hari ni sibuk meng-update facebook, friendster dan blogspot. Sila lah browse mybajoo.blogspot.com ye korang..
new item @ bajoo
jajai.. jgn bersedih lagi ok.. semuanya akan baik2 sahaja nanti.. ur plan to turn ur home as home based boutique sgt bagus.. silakan.. lagi satu, ko leh je kumpul sume potential customers kat mana2, then ko bawak la bajoo2 tu.. hehehe.. semoga anda dimurahkan rezeki..
nat dearie, thanks! oh lupe plak, aku dah reserve maxi dress merah untuk ko. love u bebeh!
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