Friday, July 5, 2013

BIG 3-0

Another year older today.
I hit the BIG 3-0 today. T-I-G-A P-U-L-U-H!

Syukur masih di berikan peluang bernafas di muka bumi Allah.
Syukur kerana ada keluarga yang menyayangi saya.
Syukur kerana diberikan rezeki yang mencukupi oleh Allah.

I will try to become a better person, a better daughter, a better wife and a better mommy. Insya Allah.

Unfortunately encek K is not around with me today, he is on a business trip, but yes, he already wished me happy birthday yesterday and yes, he has already given me my birthday present all the way from Germany (dah dirasmikan dah pun hadiahnye)

Thank you for all your kind wishes on FB, on IG, SMSes, calls. I am showered with love!

encek K's post on IG, tapi dia cheating pakai gambar birthday dia  :p

OOTD. The bag is my birthday present. Thank you sayangs!