Today, 30th July, you turned two :')
I guessed I am a bit overwhelmed for the fact that you are no longer my little baby.
Happy birthday my dearest son.
Mummy and daddy loves you very much.
You taught us that it is possible to have unconditional love for you.
You taught us the meaning of patience and happiness that no any amount of money could buy.
Mummy and daddy doakan Arfan Miqaeel membesar menjadi anak yang baik, pandai, kacak dan soleh.
Insya Allah we will try our very best to guide you along the way and we will try to provide the best for you my dear son.
Please don't grow up too fast. Mommy still tak puas nak dukung Miqa, nak gomol Miqa, nak kiss-kiss Miqa, nak suap Miqa makan, nak mandikan Miqa dan bermacam-macam lagi.. Not forgetting the fact that I love it everytime you call for me eventhough you call me 'memey' and not mummy.
Remember that mummy and daddy will always love you.
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